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Klingen, Kelley & Associates LLC

700 Godwin Avenue, Suite 310, Midland Park, New Jersey, United States

(201) 327 - 2125


Robert Klingen

ACTAR Number 555

I have experience as an accident reconstructionist in both the criminal and civil domains. As a retired Chief of Police and former police officer with over 25 years of experience focused primarily on traffic safety, I have personally investigated thousands of motor vehicle accidents and participated in the reconstruction of hundreds of cases, ranging from low-speed impacts to fatal or serious injury collisions, many involving criminal prosecutions. In addition to my law enforcement background, I have been a certified EMT and ambulance operator for over 30 years, and am well-respected as an expert in investigating emergency vehicle accidents.

I have over 30 years of experience in the private sector and have participated in over 1,500 crash reconstructions and analyses. I specialize in preparing clear and concise crash analysis reports to be used in civil litigation from both the plaintiff and defense perspectives and I have been qualified as an expert witness more than forty times by federal, state and municipal courts.