Cooper Barrette Consulting
1118 N. Seminary Avenue, Woodstock, Illinois, United States
(847) 726 - 9082
Roger Barrette
ACTAR Number 88
Roger W. Barrette is a consultant that specializes in vehicle collision reconstruction. Mr. Barrette has a B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology from the Milwaukee School of Engineering, an M.S. degree in Engineering from the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, and a Bridge Graduate Certificate in Injury Biomechanics from Wayne State University with post-graduate education in Biomedical Engineering. He was an accident investigator with the Lake County Sheriff’s Police from 1985 to 1993 and has taught at Northwestern Center for Public Safety since 1991. He joined Fricke Cooper Engineering in 1993 and is now a principal in the consulting firm of Cooper Barrette Consulting, LLC in Woodstock, IL. He is also a police officer with the Lake Villa Police Department and Deputy Commander of the Lake County Major Crash Assistance Team (MCAT). Mr. Barrette is a contributing author for the Traffic Crash Investigation manual (10th Edition) and the Traffic Crash Reconstruction manual (2nd Edition), and co-author of the 3rd Edition of the Traffic Crash Reconstruction manual, Northwestern Center for Public Safety.