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INTEGRA Forensics


16700 Hwy 280, Ste A, #166, Chelsea, Alabama, United States

(205) 444 - 0071


William Messerschmidt

ACTAR Number 1372

I'm a former police officer who has been employed in the private sector, consulting on cases in civil litigation since 2003. I currently own and manage Integra Forensics along with Benjamin Smith & Olivia Normand

After earning a bachelor's degree at Auburn University and a Master of Public Administration at Columbus State University (during my Law Enforcement days), I studied psychology and mathematics at the University of Alabama Birmingham and did my graduate work in Human Factors at the University of Idaho and The University of Aberdeen (UK)

Today, my work focuses on complex Human Factors issues in traffic and industrial incidents, and in analysis of electronic data from vehicles, especially heavy vehicle electronic control modules.