Collision Analytics LLC & Northwestern University Center for Public Safety
14440 Trinity Court, Woodstock, Illinois, United States
(815) 260 - 3721
Andrew W. Thomas
ACTAR Number 2828
Andrew W. Thomas is an ACTAR Accredited Traffic Crash Reconstructionist that specializes in the investigation and reconstruction of motor vehicle crashes in the public and private sector. Andrew currently leads the McHenry County Sheriff’s Office’s Major Crash Investigation Unit which is responsible for all major injury and fatality crash investigations. Andrew has had more than 1300 hours of crash investigation and reconstruction training and is a certified Crash Reconstruction Specialist and certified instructor with Expertise in Advanced Truck Enforcement. He serves as an adjunct instructor with the Northwestern University Center for Public Safety, instructing Crash Investigation and Reconstruction Courses. Andrew spent over 3 years as a Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Officer and and is an active Motorcycle Officer. Andrew is a certified Crash Data Retrieval Technician and Analyst and regularly utilizes Event Data Recorder, GPS, and cellular phone data within crash investigations.