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STAR Sayes Traffic Accident & Reconstruction, LLC

16058 Chantilly Ave., Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States

(225) 978 - 3997


Malcolm D Sayes

ACTAR Number 4589

Malcolm D. Sayes is an ACTAR Accredited Traffic Accident Reconstructionist, Registered Professional Civil Engineer and Professional Traffic Operations Engineer. Mr. Sayes has conducted or assisted in numerous traffic accident evaluations and reconstructions including rear-end, right-angle, road departure, loss-of-control due to flooding/debris, head-on, edge drop-off with yaw, roll, steering avoidance and sight-restriction based accidents.

Previously, Mr. Sayes retired from the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development where he worked as a Traffic Operations Engineer in the District 61-Traffic Operations and Maintenance Unit; responsible for state highway/intersection operation, maintenance and safety including: traffic management, intersection turning-movement lanes, pavement markings, roadway warning/regulatory signage, phasing/timing signalized intersections and engineering investigation safety and improvement reports. Mr. Sayes' working experience spans over several decades and includes many other conditions/ circumstances beyond those listed above.