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PO Box 42640, Olympia, Washington, United States

(360) 586 - 4443


Scott Kirkeby

ACTAR Number 4521

I was hired by the Washington State Patrol in 2005. Became a commission trooper in 2008. Completed the Washington State Patrol (WSP) Collision Technical Specialist (CTS) program in 2012. Where I investigated serious injury, fatality, and high liability collisions. I was awarded top honors as the 2013 state wide CTS of the year for my efforts in the program. I completed the WSP Recon program in 2016. Was accepted as a corporal to the WSP academy to work in the collision training program in 2017. I became the lead to the WSP collision training program in 2018 teaching and developing collision courses through the CTS level while assisting and facilitating Recon level collision courses. In this role, I also reviewed completed cases with mathematical analysis for completeness and accuracy. I completed Northwestern University’s Recon program in 2021 before completing the ACTAR process. I am currently a Sergeant within the WSP and still actively working with the CTS program responding to cases, reviewing cases, and mentoring younger members of the program.